Ages 16-Adult. Instructor: Kailah Ware. An introduction to photography and digital editing designed to explore different genres of photography (portraiture, landscape, etc). Students will enjoy direct instruction, in-class time to work on processing images, and critiques. The end result of the course is the creation of a digital portfolio of 20-25 images.Software covered: Adobe Photoshop
Class Meets Thursdays: January 30 / February 6, 13, 20, 27 / March 5, 12, 19
This class is offered through a partnership with PAR-Projects. Please visit their website here for more information about their class offerings and events.
*Financial assistance is available for this class up to 50%. Please call us at 513-631-4278 to request.
Venue Phone: (513) 631-4278
Venue Website: