Arts for All
- 10 May 2021
- Posted By Ellen Muse-Lindeman
At this time last year, our ability to provide artistic experiences for youth was uncertain. With the public health crisis brought on by COVID-19, we were forced to cancel summer camps and other programming.
Yet, creativity didn’t stop. We knew that creative expression was needed more than ever, and we asked you for help.
You responded – big time. Thanks to your generous support, last year Kennedy Heights Arts Center distributed 2,780 FREE artist-designed Creativity Kits to local youth containing weekly, at-home activities promoting creativity, imaginative play, and emotional wellness.
Now, we look forward to welcoming students to our campus in-person for the first time in more than a year. We, and our community, could not be more excited! After a year spent isolated and in front of screens, young people are yearning for interaction and social engagement.
This summer, 240 diverse young people will attend 10 weeks of arts camps, expressing their creativity through visual arts, music, creative writing, animation and more, mentored by professional teaching artists. High school students will gain valuable leadership skills serving as camp assistants.
The health and safety of our students, staff and community are of utmost importance. In order to ensure a safe and fun experience for everyone, our COVID safety plan includes outdoor settings, small group sizes, socially distant spacing, mandatory masks, and frequent sanitizing.
As always, we continue to commit unwaveringly to full inclusion. With your support, these enriching experiences are affordable and accessible to everyone regardless of economic circumstance.
At summer camp and throughout the year, young people develop their creative potential, build skills, and connect with each other and the community through extraordinary programs such as Woodford Arts + Culture Academy, Teen Artists for Change, Tellus Zine, and the CPS Jazz Academy—all at no cost.
To ensure that EVERY child has the benefit of high quality arts education, we ask for your support through our Arts for All Campaign. Our goal is to raise $20,000 by May 31.
Join us in making a positive impact on the lives of youth in our community with your donation today!