Teen Artists for Change: Spring 2024
Grades 7th-12th
Artist: Karen Saunders
Saturdays, 2:00-4:00pm
Sept. 21, 28// Oct. 5, 12, 26// Nov. 2, 9, 16
Tuition: FREE
This fall students will work with the artist, Karen Saunders. Together, we will be making Street Art using needle felting and free form crochet. We will be yarn bombing public spaces talking about social issues and what matters to you.
The goal of this program is to bring young creatives together to build community with their peers, strengthen their confidence, and share with them the power of their creativity.
Teen Artists for Change is a free program due to generous support from the Charles H. Dater Foundation.
All participants need to complete and submit an Emergency Contact and Photo Release. Completed forms can be emailed to classes@kennedyarts.org or dropped off in-person at KHAC.