Teen Artists for Change: Spring 2024
Grades 7th-12th
Artist: Cedric Michael Cox
Saturdays, 2:00-4:00pm
March 30// April 6, 13, 20, 27// May 4, 11, 18
Tuition: FREE
This spring students will work with the artist, Cedric Michael Cox. Together they will design and paint a large scale mural on an outside wall of Kennedy Heights Arts Center. Students will also create their own small scale paintings to explore techniques and ideas. Mr. Cox is a skilled painter and mural artist who’s vibrant work can be seen on display all around our beautiful city. This is an opportunity for students to learn the operation of mural planning and design and create something special for the Kennedy Heights community for all to enjoy for years to come! The goal of this program is to bring young creatives together to build community with their peers, strengthen their confidence, and share with them the power of their creativity.
Teen Artists for Change is a free program due to generous support from the Charles H. Dater Foundation.
All participants need to complete and submit an Emergency Contact and Photo Release. Completed forms can be emailed to classes@kennedyarts.org or dropped off in-person at KHAC.