News and Events

  • Delivering Joy to Seniors

    • 17 December 2020
    • Posted By Ellen Muse

    Our first delivery of JOY went out this week.

    We could all use some joy right now, huh?

    This is especially true for older adults. Due to the increased risk factors COVID-19 poses for older adults, many seniors are staying safe by self-quarantining at home or in senior living communities. Unfortunately, social isolation—while beneficial from a physical health standpoint during the pandemic— has the potential of causing loneliness which can lead to depression, anxiety or other health problems.

    So, Kennedy Heights Arts Center and Episcopal Retirement Services (ERS) have teamed up to combat social isolation and deliver joy to our region’s seniors this holiday season—and you can help.

    Everyone is invited to create a handmade gift for an older adult in need. For a donation of $45, you can order a Joy Delivery kit including materials and instructions to create a personalized card and a hand-painted mug, soap and dish, or embroidered scarf. Make your items at home, then drop it off at Kennedy Heights Arts Center to be packaged and delivered to a senior living in one of the ERS communities, or give the gift to an elderly neighbor or family member.

    This holiday season will look quite different from previous years. With more seniors forced to celebrate the holidays alone, we must find creative ways to stay connected. Art can be a great way to connect with our elders in a personal and uplifting way.

    Let’s spread some joy.

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