In response to the current surge of COVID-19 cases in our Community, this event is being postponed until Monday, February 21, 2022 from 9:30am – 12:00pm.
Ages 5 – 12. In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., KHAC partners with a different local non-profit each year to create artworks that are given to that organization to benefit their mission. This year, Kennedy Heights Arts Center is organizing a very special ceramic art project and canned soup drive in partnership with The Caring Place Food Pantry to provide meals, hand glazed bowls, and caring messages to community members experiencing food insecurity. Participation in this day of service encourages youth to understand the benefits of volunteering your time, how to give the gift of kindness, and how to use your creative talents to make a difference in the community! Youth ages 5-12 are invited to participate.
Participation is free, but space is limited so register early. Registration closes on Saturday, February 19 at 11:00AM
All participants need to complete and submit an Emergency Contact and Photo Release. Completed forms can be emailed to or dropped off in-person at KHAC.
COVID-19 Health & Safety: Our COVID safety plan includes small group sizes, socially distant spacing, masks required, HEPA air purifiers, required vaccinations for instructors, staff, and volunteers, and either proof of vaccination or weekly negative COVID-19 test results for students in classes with enrollment greater than 50% of the classroom’s capacity. For additional details and FAQs, please review KHAC’s Updated COVID-19 Safety Policy
In previous years, we have partnered with the following organizations:
Episcopal Retirement Services, Kindflash, Ohio Alleycat Resource & Spay/Neuter Clinic, Dupree House, The Caring Place, The Pleasant Ridge Care Center, UpSpring (formally Faces without Places), and others.
Venue Phone: (513) 631-4278
Venue Website: