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  • Going Beyond our Dreams

    • 19 December 2019
    • Posted By Ellen Muse

    At last week’s showcase, students in grades 2-6 sang, danced, performed puppet shows, and displayed ceramics and paintings. And, they literally jumped with joy.

    This marks the third year of Kennedy Heights Arts Center’s partnership with Woodford Paideia Academy to lead a school-wide arts and culture initiative. In this public elementary school where 99 percent of the students qualify for free and reduced lunch, all students play a musical instrument; work with professional artists-in-residence in art, music, dance and theatre; participate in fine art field studies; and experience arts integrated curriculum in the classroom.

    We employ the power of the arts to enhance creativity, confidence, and academic achievement.

    And the results are showing.

    On the Ohio Department of Education’s recent school report card, Woodford raised its overall grade from an F to a C, and earned an A in the important “Gap Closing” score.

    While there are many factors that affect test scores, there is no doubt that the arts are having a profound impact on these young students’ success.

    77% of Woodford students feel the art activities increased their self-confidence; 75% reported working better with others; and 65% thought the arts helped them do better in school.

    In addition to gaining artistic skills, they reported learning: “about self-control,” “how to work with other people and use your imagination,” and “how to give your all in all you do.”

    As one child remarked, “I learned we can go beyond our dreams.”

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    Your support is critical. Your gift to Kennedy Heights Arts Center transforms the lives of hundreds of young people through arts and culture. And, you ensure that 100% of our programs remain accessible to everyone regardless of income.


    Image by Will Jones Photo

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