Teen Artists for Change (TAC) is a student-led club for diverse young artists in grades 7-12, who want to make an impact in their community. TAC provides positive outlets for teens to plan and implement creative projects that matter to them. Mentored by professional artists, teens develop skills and express their voices through creating community-engaged art in public spaces such as art exhibits, public installations, and films.
TAC meets weekly on Saturdays from 2pm – 4pm, producing up to five projects in collaboration with professional artists throughout the year. Teens will explore and utilize various forms of art-making including photography, film-making, creative writing, drawing, and painting. We encourage new members to join before a new session begins.
Examples of past projects include:
In collaboration with the Greater Cincinnati Homeless Coalition, TAC members created a photo journalism project about homelessness displayed in the GCHC meeting space.
Members partnered with teen refugees through Refugee Connect on a video storytelling project to raising awareness about immigrants and refugees to the Greater Cincinnati region.
With generous support from the Charles H. Dater Foundation, this program is offered at no cost to teens. We invite all club members to fully embrace the projects, as well as, discover new ways to unleash their artistic voice. To become a Teen Artists for Change club member, register here.
For more information:
Contact Kate Tepe, Director of Arts Engagement & Learning:
kate@kennedyarts.org or 513-631-4278